Steel tanks

We specialise in steel tank production and assembly.
produkcja balustrad przemysłowych

Steel tanks of any diameter

We design and manufacture free-standing outdoor tanks with drinking water certification. We also carry out the production of tanks based on a customer-provided design. We manufacture tanks in any diameter and capacity from 50 to 1000 m³. We include thermal insulation using mineral wool in tank production.
produkcja zbiorników nierdzewnych
produkcja zbiorników nierdzewnych

Gonstal – manufacturer of steel tanks

We manufacture the following types of tanks:
  • Tanks for drinking water
  • Tanks for chemicals and used oils
  • Tanks for vegetable oils
  • Tanks for hydrogen
  • Tanks for hazardous waste
The inner shell of the tank is coated with paint suitable for the substance in question. We also manufacture coatings and heating coils.

Knowledge and many years of experience

Thanks to our long-term experience and highly qualified personnel, we can take on any order, even the most unusual.

Our steel tanks for drinking water and other substances are considered to be among the best in the industry. We are aware of the dynamically changing needs of our customers and the ever-increasing market demands, which is why we are constantly working to improve our technology.

wykonawstwo rurociągów przemysłowych

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